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DELTA ACCESS wishes you a very Merry Christmas

Dear Customers and Business Partners,

"I do come home at Christmas. We all do, or we all should. We all come home, or ought to come home, for a short holiday — the longer, the better — to take, and give a rest." (Charles Dickens)

Contrary to our longstanding tradition of surprising our customers and business partners with a variety of personal greeting cards and small gifts for the Christmas season, this year, we have decided to make a donation to a refugee organization that provides much-needed and professional help for traumatized refugee children from the Syrian conflict region. Precisely because of the current challenges facing the international community, we believe that this is a meaningful and important step.

We are supporting the association Schams e.V. ("Sun"), which was founded by the famous writer and poet Rafik Schami and which is very active on behalf of projects in the countries bordering the conflict regions of Syria and Iraq. Our donation will benefit the following projects for refugee children in particular.

In Lebanon, in the Bekaa Valley near the border with Syria.

Amaluna Kindergarten ("Our Hope")
Likewise in Lebanon, in the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra in Beirut.

Together with our warmest Christmas greetings, please accept our thanks for the pleasant and successful cooperation. We wish you and your families a peaceful and happy Christmas and much health, wealth and happiness in 2016.
